A 5-year old Weslaco (TX) boy was grabbed around the torso by his family pit bull and dragged out into the yard.
The dog then moved his bite, and eventually locked onto the child’s throat. The boy did not survive his injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.
Not some stranger’s dog. But his own family pit bull. How much money do you want to bet that the owners of this pit bull would have described it as a wonderful sweet family pet that would never hurt a fly. They would probably point to the fact that their 5-year old nephew lived safely and happily with their two pit bulls.
Right up until the moment the pit bull killed him.
Again — if you are going to own pit bulls, do not own children. Do not let children in your home. Ever. Do not let your dangerous dog off a very strong chain that is wrapped around your own neck if you do take them out in public.
I hope that the owners of these two pit bulls are brought up on charges of child endangerment and negligent homicide. Because they are guilty of both.
Sadly, the boy had been living with his aunt and uncle after Child Protective Services placed him with them.
Here’s a note to CPS — do not place children into homes that have pit bulls. They are probably safer around their abusive crack head parents than they are around these dogs.
3…2…1… until the pit bull owners come in to tell me “it’s the owner, not the breed.”
Sorry, but it’s usually both. And while there are some good pit bull owners out there…there is no way to train awat the instinct to attack and kill that is the dominant instinct in these dangerous animals.
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